The STUDENT'S DAILY GUIDE is an integral LINK among the students, the school, and the home. It is very important in guiding the student’s over-all academic and nonacademic development and progress. It provides an effective way to properly safe keep information about the student’s activities and behavior. It is therefore, necessary that students, as well as teachers and parents, celarly understand how important The Daily Guide is and how to use it together. It has taken into careful consideration the holistic development of students and has integrated useful tols and features for daily use. It should be the student’s constant companion.


More than just a handbook journal! It’s



It contains special features such as the Special Refelections Sections, where students are provided with pages meant for month-end and year-end use for reflection. Progress Monitoring Sections, where students can record and monitor their test and quiz results weekly before the term ends , and a loose stciker page, which is used to encourage, acknowledge and remind students in memorable and playful ways


Students’s Daily Guide can be customized according to your requirements!

Ask your DPBI Account Executives now!