Elementary Mathematics is a fantastic opportunity to learn the
foundational concepts and develop the habits of mind and love
for mathematics at a young age.
Math for All is a series designed for hands-on and interactive
learning of Grades 1 to 6 mathematics. It is guided by the
principle that all pupils can enjoy and learn mathematics.
Math for All presents concepts using the concrete-to-abstract
approach. It integrates action songs, fingerplay, rhymes, art
projects, games, reflections, and outdoor activities in the lessons
to engage and excite all learners. The series emphasizes not
only a hands-on approach, like working or experiencing but also
a thinking approach, like creative problem solving and reflecting.
It contains non-routine questions and investigations to develop
the learners' higher-order thinking skills and encourage them
to collaborate and share their ideas. Likewise, it includes
enrichment lessons for more advanced learners.
Coordinator Dr. Amelia G. Ronquillo
Authors Dr. Cecilia P. Lacson, Ms. Alma M. Ortiz,
Ms. Julie Ann P. Lucas, Ms. Gertrudes F. Ubaña, Mr. Jim
Patrick L. Castillo, Mr. Jose Paulo V. Santiago, Ms. Ruby Ann
D. Laforteza, Ms. Yvette F. Cruz, and Ms. Reverie I. Vargas
Book Size 8.0’’ x 10.5’’
Number of Pages
Gr. 1 – 400, Gr. 2 – 464, Gr. 3 – 352,
Gr. 4 – 416, Gr. 5 – 464, Gr. 6 – 416
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